While trouble shooting forge based application indexing. I was trying to find the way to convert endeca binary records [forge output] to xml records. This is essential to know what is output from Forge to analyze the issue.
Then I found very handy utility from endeca to achieve this : binary2xml utility
This utility is locate at $ENDECA_ROOT/bin.
Using this utility you can easily convert binary records to xml file.
Syntax : binary2xml.exe <Source binary file> <Output xml file>
Example : binary2xml.exe Test-sgmt0.records.binary Test.xml
Below is the sample output generated using this utility.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PROP NAME="ProductName">
<PROP NAME="ProductId">
<PROP NAME="ProductName">
<PROP NAME="ProductId">
<PROP NAME="ProductName">
<PROP NAME="ProductId">
<PROP NAME="ProductName">
<PROP NAME="ProductId">