Saturday 28 October 2017

Endeca | Display Deployment Template Version

Sometimes you need to find out version of the deployment template (EAC Development Toolkit)

To show the version of deployment template.
1. Navigate to control directory of your application.
2. Invoke runcommand with --version flag.
Deployment Template Version
Deployment Template Version

Sunday 22 October 2017

Endeca | Check application component status

Sometimes you need to check provisioned component status for a Endeca application. You can check application component status using one of the three ways.

1. Endeca Workbench :  Use EAC Admin console to check component status. Check Auto Refresh check box on right to refresh status automatically.

Component Status
Component Status

2. Deployment Template : Run below command from control directory of deployed application.

          runcommand.bat --print-status

Component Status Deployment Template
Component Status Deployment Template

3. The eaccmd Utility : Run below eaccmd command to check component status.

          eaccmd status --app <application name> --comp <component id>

eaccmd component status
eaccmd component status