Friday 15 November 2013

Endeca environment variables

Here I will explain how to set Endeca environment variables.Before discussing Endeca environment variables,I would like to introduce the term Environment variable. 

Environment variable
An environment variable is a dynamic "object" on a computer that stores a value, which in turn can be referenced by one or more software programs.It can be said that environment variables help to create and shape the environment  where a program runs.

Endeca environment variables

Below are the four types of the Endeca evironment variables.

1. MDEX Engine variables

  • ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT : Path of the MDEX Engine root directory(default ../MDEX/version)

2. Platform Services variables

  • ENDECA_ROOT : Path of the Platform Services root directory(default ../PlatformServices/version)

  • ENDECA_CONF : Path of the workspace directory for the Endeca Http Service(default  ../PlatformServices/workspace)

3. Endeca Workbench variables

  • ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT : Path of the Endeca Workbench root directory(default ../Workbench/version). In latest installers \ToolsAndFrameworks\<version>.

  • ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF : Path of the workspace directory for the Endeca Tools Service(default ../Workbench/workspace). In latest installers \ToolsAndFrameworks\<version>\server\workspace.

4. Other variables(Set and used by the Endeca Deployment Template)

  • ENDECA_PROJECT_DIR : Path of the deployed application.(Default user supplied input at installation time).
  • ENDECA_PROJECT_NAME : Project name that is used.(Default user supplied input at installation time).

Setting the environment variables ensures that the different Endeca components can communicate with each other properly.

Run  below scripts to set Endeca environment variables.
1. Windows Platform Script
On windows platform, Platform Services and Oracle Endeca Workbench environment variables are set at the time of installation.

You only need to set the MDEX Engine environment variable(ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT).Run the below script to achieve this.


2. Linux Platform Scripts.
On Linux platform run the below scripts.
For MDEX Engine variables.
   source /endeca/MDEX/<version>/mdex_setup_sh.ini
For Platform Services variables.
   source /endeca/PlatformServices/workspace/setup/installer_sh.ini
For Endeca Workbench variables.
  source /endeca/Workbench/workspace/setup/installer_sh.ini