Saturday, 12 November 2016

MDEX Performance boost | Increase Number of threads

MDEX engine can be configured to run in multi threaded mode. By default MDEX runs in multi threaded mode only with number of threads configured to 1. Multi threaded mode cannot be disabled.

How to configure [increase] number of threads : Number of threads are controlled with --threads flag. Specify the --threads flag when starting the MDEX Engine. Or you can mention same in MDEX configuration xml file. For example


Key benefits of multi threaded MDEX engine.

Large index files on disk : Single index files are shared between all the threads.
Long-running queries   : Some of thread responds to long running queries while others can respond to different queries.
Simplified system management and network architecture : Need to configure only single MDEX engine.
Applications with high throughput requirements with limited hardware resources : Fewer hard ware resources required than multiple single threaded MDEX engines.
Applications that heavily use the MDEX Engine dynamic cache : Threads in multi threaded MDEX shares the same dynamic cache.

Note : Recommended number of threads for the MDEX Engine is typically equal to the number
of cores on the MDEX Engine server.