While studying about Endeca ,I have seen interesting terms related to Endeca. Here is the list of terms along with their meaning.
Navigation State The navigation state is the set of all dimension values selected in the current query context,the navigation state record set consists of the records selected by the navigation state.
Descriptor Dimensions Descriptor dimensions contain the dimension values (or descriptors) that were used to query for the current record set. Integrated dimensions represent a consolidation of those dimensions that contain either descriptors or refinement values for the current record set.
Complete Dimension Complete dimensions represent a consolidation of all dimensions that have at least one of the following:
a descriptor, a standard refinement, or an implicit refinement.
Snippeting The snippeting feature (also referred to as keyword in context or KWIC) provides the ability to return an excerpt from a record—called a snippet—to an application user who performs a record search query.
Wildcard search Wildcard search allows users to match query terms to fragments of words in indexed text.
Pivoting The activity of adding or removing dimension values to or from the navigation state is known as pivoting.
Positional Indexing To enable faster phrase search performance and faster relevance ranking with the Phrase module,your project builds index data out of word positions.This is called positional indexing.