Saturday, 12 August 2017

Endeca | Removing Endeca application from Workbench

Issue : In the case when you try to remove Endeca application using runcommand (runcommand --remove-app). If workbench is down at that point of time. Then this application won't be removed from workbench.

In this case runcommand throws below exception.

Caused by org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException
org.apache.http.impl.conn.HttpClientConnectionOperator connect - Connect to JagdevSingh-PC:8006 [JagdevSingh-PC/] failed: Connection refused: connect
Caused by connect0 - Connection refused: connect


In this case if you start workbench your application site will display there.

Endeca Application
Endeca Application

Solution : Shutdown workbench, clean workbench workspace folder and restart it.

Endeca Application Removed
Endeca Application Removed

Monday, 7 August 2017

Endeca | Backup And Restore keyword redirects

As part of your Endeca application backup strategy. You can back up and restore keyword redirects. This method is also useful to transfer keyword redirects from one environment to other. As example here I am going to export keyword redirects from one application to another.

1. Backup (export)  keyword redirects : To backup keyword redirects,  execute below command from your application control directory. This will export keyword redirects as zip file.

syntax : runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent redirects <redirectsExportPath>

Example : runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent redirects F:\Endeca\apps\CSAen\test_data

2. Restore keyword redirects : Execute this command to import or restore keyword redirects.

syntax : runcommand.bat IFCR importContent redirects <redirectsImportPath>

Example : runcommand.bat IFCR importContent redirects F:\Endeca\apps\CSAen\test_data

Check these screen capture before and after keyword redirect import.
Before Import
Before Import
After import.

After Import
After Import

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Endeca | Backup And Restore thesaurus entries

As part of your Endeca application backup strategy. You can back up and restore thesaurus entries. This method is also useful to transfer thesaurus from one environment to other. As example here I am going to export thesaurus from one application to another.

1. Backup (export)  thesaurus : To backup thesaurus,  execute below command from your application control directory. This will export thesaurus as zip file.

syntax : runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent thesaurus <thesaurusExportPath>

Example : runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent thesaurus F:\Endeca\apps\CSAStagingde\config\temp\thesaurus

2. Restore thesaurus : Execute this command to import or restore thesaurus.

syntax : runcommand.bat IFCR importContent thesaurus <thesaurusImportPath>

Example : runcommand.bat IFCR importContent thesaurus F:\Endeca\apps\CSAStagingde\config\temp\thesaurus

Check these screen capture before and after thesaurus import.

Before Thesaurus Import
Before Thesaurus Import
After importing thesaurus.

After Thesaurus Import
After Thesaurus Import